Thursday 24 April 2014

A Call For Change

I often wonder, why are we not demanding of our leaders in Nigeria. Why are we not passionate enough about the events that happen in Nigeria. Why are we too often, toothless noisemakers, simply bellowing without any conviction to act.
It breaks my heart that we seem to simply pay lip service to situations that arise and after a few days, we carry on with our normal lives as though nothing ever happened until the next catastrophic event occurs again. I often wonder, why we have a President who claims to be moved by all that is happening but is quick to blame his 'enemies' for the problems we all are facing.

That we have a President who seems to look clueless most of the time on matters of security and  that, anyone could also have anything to say in defence of Mr President at this time is incredulous,taking cognisance to the fact that all isn't well with the nation. While I know and accept that the President's behaviour or lack of desired action is not extrinsic to those of his predecessors, it is certainly high time we demanded a change so that his successors will be held to higher standards.

Enough is enough! We cannot continue to keep quiet any longer. Inspired by my dear friend who has taken to penning her thoughts on a blog on the wake of the Abuja bomb blast in order to contribute her own quota in the quest for change in Nigeria, I have also taken to my pen as a sword to fight the rotten system and as a medium to enlighten, encourage and inspire others too so that, collectively we can start to demand for change...A change we believe in. I refuse to keep quiet hiding behind the mask that what I say wouldn't matter. That my voice does not mean anything to the powers that be today doesn't mean I should keep quiet because, keeping quiet is tantamount to endorsing the continued act of wickedness being meted out by these current leaders.
I say wickedness because, when the security of lives and properties of your people is not being focused on totally while all that is yours is well protected; when you lack the willpower to do that which is right; when you are indecisive and weak towards those who slaughter and maime those whom you swore to protect all because of your ambition,then you are a perpetuator of wickedness. I know The President's ardent supporters will beg to differ or even resort to tongue lashing this piece but I remain unperturbed and I dare say they are only obsequious to their man's quest for a 2nd term in office.
The recent bomb attack in Abuja is a sad highlight of what has been said so far. To say the seat of power could be attacked in such manner and nothing of substance has been done to put the minds of the Nigerian public to rest is shameful. Sometimes, I find myself asking if we even have a government.  Living in a country where you provide your basic amenities yourself as against the norm, where govt ought to, you can't help but wonder. However, security of all things is what every society looks towards the government to provide. The bomb blast was just a clear evidence that the country is sleeping while the evil doers are working. To further highlight the level decadence in the security network of this country, a day after the dastardly act the terrorists carried out another by kidnapping young girls from their school and a week after, most of the girls are still not yet rescued nor any meaningful result heard. As a nation, we have failed these young girls. I look at the situation of things and I fear that Book Horam will grow in stature and move to other parts of the country if the President does not step up and take stronger actions. Now I hear some people say "God forbid,  they won't move down south in Jesus name". God isn't going to come down physically to change things for us. We have been praying even before independence and how come things aren't changed for the better? It shows prayer alone isn't the solution. The solution is in our hands. We tend to act like the proverbial man whose city was flooded and every time rescuers came to his aid telling him to come on board to leave the city, he always said God loves him, he prays and God will come rescue him.This, he said,till he drowned,died and questioned why he died. God has put in us, the solution to our problems. We only need to shift from our comfort zones and stand up demanding for a change. We can't keep doing the same old thing and expecting different result. It is time we spoke up for change. Do we have to stick to the plethora of mediocrity that has plagued us for many years hoping one day it will get better or do we stand up and demand for change? A change we believe in; A change where every life is valued; A change where public office holders are indeed held accountable and to higher standards; a change where Nigerians will stop feeling helpless; a change where you don't negotiate with terrorists but go in search of them and smoke them out letting them know you don't toil with any Nigerian's rights to live; a change where our girls are not afraid of being kidnapped by religious bigots;a change where self interest is set aside for the collective good of the people; a change where political terror is defeated.
We must remember that, though our tongues may differ, our culture may vary yet, we are bound by one union, a common entity, an entity we are known by...Nigeria. And in that Nigeria, we should be proud and stand up to defend not just for our sake but for the sake of our children and generations to come after us.
God bless us all.

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