Monday 26 May 2014











Mon amour,

I guess its time to say this...

Its good to know that you've made up part of my memories -warm memories which will forever be cherished by me.

Thinking back to the very first time I heard your name; to me, you were only that bloke on the other side. I had no feelings until we started saying 'hi'. Well, then, I thought you were a big time feeler trying to make an impression. I was suprised when you told me about the picture -my picture. I couldn't think of any reason why you would've been attracted to me 'cos, I'm positive that there are so many, better, at your end. Anyways, I'm really honoured.

On the other side, what attracted me to you isn't quite clear to moi. It might be your straight-forwardness, your sense of humour or, your voice. I guess it's your voice. You might not have noticed but...(confession)...I had and still have a crush on your thunderous-like voice.

Moving on, I found out that you were great company. You became my friend, my confidant,my mentor,my prince-charming and my world. All in all, you've become my everything and everyday, I give thanks I found you. I believe there's a reason for things turning out this way.

No matter what happens, you'll always be in my heart and I don't think I'll forget you -unless I have amnesia (Heavens forbid). In other words, you'll always be a part of me. I hope you feel the same way.

At times, I wonder if I'm under the influence of a spell 'cos, if I was told I'll fall for some guy I've never seen and write such a note as this for him, I'll tell the informer to visit a Shrink but, voila! someone up there has a way of turning our greatest fears into our greatest pleasure. I can't believe I actually daydream of us together....can you beat that? Day-dreaming about a guy who's face is not known.
It is kinda weird but very enjoyable.

I remember the day I told you I love you. That felt really good. I realised that it hurts to love someone and not be loved in return but, what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel. I'm happy I told you about how I felt and I don't think I'll ever regret it.

I love everything about you. Your soothing voice, your sense of humour, your 'strokes' and 'psyches' and most of all, those beautiful words of yours. All your words really touched me and I'm very grateful for them. You are the only guy I know who's not a relative that has inspired me positively. Thanks for being there and thanks for the support given.

Sweetheart, you mean a lot to me and it pains me deeply that sometimes i just go my own way... lets wait to see what destiny has in store for us.

One thing is for sure, I really like your truthfulness. You always said 'the fact' and I really appreciate that. Thanks for those seemingly little words; you might not have noticed but they really went a long way.

I wish we were closer than what we are so we could have some much more wonderful memories to cherish...what do you think? It really touches me when I think of how much you care and how concerned about me you are. On the night of the 24th of May at about 19:30hours, when you 'implied' that I didn't care, it really,really hurt me and I started thinking that maybe you were right. I don't think I deserve you. You are a good person with a good heart... you've got lots to be grateful for.

Mehn, I remember those terribly horrible day when I couldn't call out. For me, those days were like nightmares. I always felt distant but,what actually fascinates me is the fact that we keep talking practically everyday and I don't get tired or bored of you. Instead, I eagerly anticipate the next call... I was so pathetic.
I also remember those days I got kinda sentimental and I thought gosh! I just ruined your days, I'm sorry about that.

My love, even though some of the stuff we shared during our tete-a-tete were mushy and all, I still feel it was worth it. ...You always made my day.

Keep this at the back of your mind:

It took me one minute to get a crush on you, an hour to like you very much, a day to fall in love with you, but seventy times seven lifetimes may come and go, I'll never forget you 'cos you'll always be in my heart.

I loved you, I love you and I'll always love.

Yours Always,


My Precious,

On a realistic note, I sent you to the world with nothing and when you leave, you'll leave with nothing. I guess all you can do when the time comes is to leave behind memories of what we shared and by trying,leave good impressions on the people you leave behind. Love is a lot more than a warm frizzy feeling. In my opinion, it is being completely committed to someone the heart finds precious. You are very precious to me. You have got MY HEART and WINGS hiding somewhere.

My darling, though I can do all things without you yet,I don't know what I could have done without you. Thank you for being such a blessing and I'm truly grateful. Your laughter always made me happy. Your voice alone was enough to initiate an excitement in me. You mean the world to me, I really admire you. You have no idea how special you are to me. Caring,talented and blessed you are.

I'm thanking you,very much, for caring for me. Remember, "I am yours to the end of time". I may not be with you in person but I am with you in Spirit, and be certain that someone out there loves and cares for you deeply.

I just want to let you know that no matter how much people may try to get you down, don't let it upset you. I will be with you through it all. Just remain the level-headed one I know. I want you to know that every single moment I spend talking to you will always be cherished.

Keep this at the back of your mind:

I took my time to create you; feel in love with you before you existed and, while I'm not bound by any lifetime,I  will not forget you 'cos, you were in my mind before you were created and you will always be on my mind

...Remember what I did on the cross? It is all about my love for you!!!

My love, stay very close to me in all you do. I am a faithful God and I'll never leave nor forsake you. I, the Lord, your God, love you more than you can imagine and I won't let go of you. My arms are wide open, pleading with you to come but I won't push nor pull you. So, it's up to you to open the door of your heart and let me continue to reside in.

All my love.


Thursday 8 May 2014


In religious circles, prayer is a fundamental instrument employed to establish communication between man and the Supreme Being. It's importance stems from the belief that nothing can be achieved in the natural state without the blessing from the spiritual realm and, due to seemingly limitations of our earthly abilities, we tend to beseech the Power(s) in the heavens to achieve anything beyond our earthly abilities. As a result of this, any follower of any religion believes strongly that 'Prayer is the MASTER KEY' in unlocking absolutely anything that seems insurmountable in fulfilling any ambition set. 
In Christianity, (my religion), it is said that "Prayer is the Christian's weapon" and it is only through prayers that we can overcome any obstacles that come our way. This i have very much adhered to from childhood and still  adhere to today. Having been brought up in a conservative Christian home, I was taught to always go to the Lord in prayer concerning anything I want to embark upon. "There is nothing prayers cannot solve" my mother always say. However, I have often wondered if indeed, prayer was needed in ALL things. For instance, to what purpose is praying to pass an exam when you have either studied well or not studied properly?  This particular question always did reverberate in my mind whenever I was to sit for an examination during my university days. In recent years, and in particular, since the inception of my deep interest in the politics of governance in various coutries of the world and especially Nigeria, I have found myself channelling that same question to a different field. "To what purpose is praying to achieve effective governance when you either have leaders whose priority is their self interests or have leaders whose priority is public interest? In other words, WHAT IS THE RELEVANCE OF PRAYER IN ACHIEVING EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE? 

Nigeria is known worldwide as one of the most religious countries in the world. With a population of more than a hundred million, it will surprise most if any figure of more than 20% indicates those who are not believers of any religion in the country. Hardly any household in Nigeria does not say a word or two of prayers in a given day and interestingly, hardly a day goes by without the prayer,  "God, please solve our problems in Nigeria",not uttered. 
Now, every Nigerian, young or old, knows the 'cancer' eating deep into the Nigerian system. 

CORRUPTION has crippled EVERY sector of our economy so much that, provision of basic amenities is NON-EXISTENT. This is our problem: the problem of Nigeria. The problem every household prays about for solution. However, I often wonder, how do we pray for this problem to be solved? How do you pray for your land to be rid of corruption? How exactly are we expecting God to solve that problem for us? How do you pray for someone to DO THE RIGHT THING when the person already knows the 'right' and the 'wrong? Has it ever crossed our mind that our prayers are misplaced? Has it ever crossed our mind that we are possibly mocking God or that our continuous line of prayer is tantamount to tempting God? Have we stopped to SIT BACK and THINK maybe God ALREADY ANSWERED our prayers many years ago (even before we were amalgamated) and possibly, WE ARE THE SOLUTION?

The tenet of good governance is TRANSPARENCY. Transparency gives room for ACCOUNTABILITY and this leads to EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE. That being said, wherein comes PRAYER in that? Many have said, -and I have too on many occasions-, that the reason for our approach,(praying),concerning all our problems, is borne out of the fact that we feel helpless and as a result, we turn to God to come and intervene. We have spiritualised our physical problems simply because our leaders have enslaved us. They have so enslaved us to the point that we have also been mentally enslaved in believing that only God can make Nigeria better while they capitalise on this by siphoning our collective wealth for their own benefits. 
Am I insinuating God does not have power to do ALL things? Absolutely not!!! Rather, what I stand firmly on is that we have being made lazy and lackadaisical in that which we ought to do to bring about change, simply PRAYING AND WAITING!!!

Does it mean that we shouldn't pray at all?
 ...For it is even said, "the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much".

But the Holy Bible also says " faith without works is dead."

I have watched keenly, the arguments between my two very dear friends concerning the place for prayers in our current problems in Nigeria . While one believes praying isn't the solution, the other strongly believes praying and acting is the solution. 
Mena, who believes prayers isn't the lasting solution to our problems, is of the opinion that, if by prayers all is solved, then we ought to be the best or at the very least, one of the best countries in the world, considering the numerous times and how long we have been engaging in 'Prayer sessions' for our country. She backs her opinion with the fact that, most (if not all) the advanced countries of the world today are not as religious a country as we are, yet their system works perfectly or near perfectly. Therefore, how do we then claim prayers is what we need? You can't help but align with this line of argument especially going by the wise saying that, "you can't keep doing the same thing everytime yet expecting different result". 

Cece, on the other hand, disagrees totally with that, strongly believing that the solution to the country's problems lies in a bit of both. She believes we need to definitely stand up to ACT and as well, Pray. In fact, she has a new guiding principle concerning Nigeria... "Act more than you have ever done before and pray more than you have ever done before". 

Irrespective of their differences in opinions, the common thing they share is deep affinity and genuine desire for a better Nigeria. 

However, whilst both have very valid lines of argument and having intently listened to both them, in addition, having made my own observations about trends in Nigeria, I am of the opinion that, prayer is certainly not THE solution to Nigeria's problems.  Nonetheless, prayers CAN be rendered to seek God's favour in crowning our EFFORTS,- in ensuring effective governance is acheived-, with success. This prayer is totally different from praying to God to help rid our country of bad governance caused by corruption, etc.
 We are supposed to stand up and demand for change through various means possible (and,not necessarily through violence). Nigerians need a SHIFT/CHANGE OF MINDSET. This is not done through 'prayerful deliverance' rather, through ENLIGHTENMENT. 
This point is perfectly explained through the impact of social media today. Through that platform, many nationals of this coutry have been enlightened and 'broken free' from the bondage of mental enslavement...thinking Nigeria is just what it is. Many have been made to realise that we don't have to accept mediocrity. We have been made to know that the country is for ALL of US  and not for a select few who have been enriching themselves with our country's resources. We have been made to know that, we can actually DEMAND FOR CHANGE rather than simply asking God for change. We now know that the Government is answerable to us and not the other way round. 
These aren't what prayers do. God has already given unto us, the ability to reason; to be mentally alert. It is up to US to make use of it and to those who have, it is their duty to enlighten the rest of us of that possibility so that collectively, we ACT and not just SUBMIT or ACCEPT. This is our duty to Nigeria and to the children to come after us. We must all contribute our quota. 
Having lived in the United Kingdom for about a decade before returning home, not once did I hear of a 'national day of prayer' because of the problems of the land. Instead, the government of the day gets stuck in to work and ensure ALL THAT IS RIGHT is done. The leaders were always scrutinised by the general public. Never did I have to pray for electricity supply nor did I have to pray for provision of water. Security of life and properties was (and still is) ensured and when there are glitches, the government doesn't say "please pray", rather they get into an overdrive to ensure such glitches are fixed and never to reoccur. That is EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE. They made themselves accountable by ensuring transparency and even at that, the public still demands more. In our case here, we pray to have all these amenities. We are not demanding of our government instead, demanding of God. We should ACT first. We should hold our leaders to higher standards.  We should raise our voices through various means, in demanding for a change from our modus operandi.  

Then, the PLACE FOR PRAYERS is to now ask God to kindly crown these efforts with success; to give us the strength to continue contributing without being weary so that our tomorrow can be better than today for sake of our future generations to come. 

God bless us all.

Friday 2 May 2014


Early Thursday morning, I got a message from my church's Assistant Minister, Rev.Canon Ajomale. I was inspired by the message and thought it best to equally share it. In it, is a weighty lesson to be learnt, intimating us that the greatest things on earth are the seemingly small and mostly invisible things all around us: if only we'll be discerning and insightful enough to know and appreciate them.
We seem laden by all the struggles of life to appreciate those things that mean so much to us and similarly, we are often carried away by the sheer monumental size of certain issues that we give no credence to the small but important ones in our world today.
Below is the message and I hope it'll have a meaningful impact in your life as it has in mine.
As always, God bless.

""A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World."Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:1. Egypt's Great Pyramids 2. Taj Mahal 3. Grand Canyon 4. Panama Canal 5. Empire State Building 6. St. Peter's Basilica 7. China's Great Wall. While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many." The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help." The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the 'Seven Wonders of the World' are:1. to see2. to hear3. to touch4. to taste5. to feel6. to laugh7. and to love." The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.These are free gifts from God we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted. If you wake up each day and have all these then you have all the wonders of the world. If wealth is the secret to happiness,then the Rich should be dancing on the streets. But only Poor Kids do that. If power ensures security,then top Officials should walk unguarded. But people who live on roadside seem to feel more secure. If beauty brings ideal relationships, then glamour celebrities should have the best marriages but, they have one of the worst relationships. That's why we ought to ...Live simply...Walk humbly and Love genuinely!!! Every extra day given to us by God is a reminder of how close we are to the grave. Why not use each of these gifts to say THANK YOU, LORD and GLORIFY HIM, as well as,  DOING YOUR BEST TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR GENUINELY"".

Thursday 1 May 2014


So it's a new month again and, -as with recent years past-, it's a year that seems rather fast; we have ventured into the 5th month of the year 2014 in a blink.
Now, -going by all the events that have been recorded in the world and, most especially in our country since the turn of the year-, irrespective of one's religious inclination, one cannot but be thankful for the grace to be alive thus far.

However, whilst being thankful and rejoicing, we must not forget that there are many who mourn at the moment and, it is just cause to spare a moment to remember such people and let them know that they are not alone. Needless to say that, family members of those who lost their lives in the Abuja bomblast, numerous families of lives lost on daily basis in the North-Eastern parts of Nigeria and those whose innocent children are being held in (only God knows what condition) captivity, will only wake up to today and hurt so bad thinking "if time could be reversed". We cannot but feel for and, commiserate with them.

Concerning the 'chibok girls', I find myself thinking sometimes; wondering what state they may be in. For some days now, I have been consumed with splitting headache like never before...unconsciously sheding tears sometimes when emotions consume me at the realisation that, for every extra day these girls stay in bondage, the unimaginable could be, -if not being-, done to them. We can not all but pray that these girls are all alright and return to the arms of their parents sooner rather than later.

Though,I have decided not to get worked up by how inept our C-in-C seems to be on this case,it is however,hard not to be. It is hard for anyone with a heart not to be filled with rage at the slow response, seemingly incompetence and even worse, the absent show of empathy by the President (supposed Father of all), to the parents of the missing girls and the entire country.

In times like this, it is expected that the President will speak directly to Nigerians; leading us and making us feel calm and assured that all resources will not be spared in ensuring that the missing girls are returned home. If nothing, these children though our babies of today, are our future leaders of tomorrow; future mothers of leaders. However, 2weeks now and we have heard more from Prime Ministers, Presidents and Foreign leaders of other countries on the missing girls than our very own Chief Security Officer.

Anyway, before getting engulfed with emotions, this piece is to rejoice that we have seen yet another month again but while rejoicing, not forgetting those who are now afraid to wake up from their sleep,(if they can get any), because the hurt and the fear of what they might be facing in the break of day lingers in their mind. It is sad and disheartening to say the very least.

 I pray God will protect the girls, comfort those who mourn and I hope the President will wake up now to do right by those whose lives have been lost to this barbaric act of terrorism; i hope he wakes up to do right by the Chibok girls and their families; and by so doing, letting them know that Nigeria is saying to them that, THEY ARE NOT ALONE. 

#wakeupGEJ  #RIPlostsouls #BringBackOurGirls 

God bless.

Thursday 24 April 2014

A Call For Change

I often wonder, why are we not demanding of our leaders in Nigeria. Why are we not passionate enough about the events that happen in Nigeria. Why are we too often, toothless noisemakers, simply bellowing without any conviction to act.
It breaks my heart that we seem to simply pay lip service to situations that arise and after a few days, we carry on with our normal lives as though nothing ever happened until the next catastrophic event occurs again. I often wonder, why we have a President who claims to be moved by all that is happening but is quick to blame his 'enemies' for the problems we all are facing.

That we have a President who seems to look clueless most of the time on matters of security and  that, anyone could also have anything to say in defence of Mr President at this time is incredulous,taking cognisance to the fact that all isn't well with the nation. While I know and accept that the President's behaviour or lack of desired action is not extrinsic to those of his predecessors, it is certainly high time we demanded a change so that his successors will be held to higher standards.

Enough is enough! We cannot continue to keep quiet any longer. Inspired by my dear friend who has taken to penning her thoughts on a blog on the wake of the Abuja bomb blast in order to contribute her own quota in the quest for change in Nigeria, I have also taken to my pen as a sword to fight the rotten system and as a medium to enlighten, encourage and inspire others too so that, collectively we can start to demand for change...A change we believe in. I refuse to keep quiet hiding behind the mask that what I say wouldn't matter. That my voice does not mean anything to the powers that be today doesn't mean I should keep quiet because, keeping quiet is tantamount to endorsing the continued act of wickedness being meted out by these current leaders.
I say wickedness because, when the security of lives and properties of your people is not being focused on totally while all that is yours is well protected; when you lack the willpower to do that which is right; when you are indecisive and weak towards those who slaughter and maime those whom you swore to protect all because of your ambition,then you are a perpetuator of wickedness. I know The President's ardent supporters will beg to differ or even resort to tongue lashing this piece but I remain unperturbed and I dare say they are only obsequious to their man's quest for a 2nd term in office.
The recent bomb attack in Abuja is a sad highlight of what has been said so far. To say the seat of power could be attacked in such manner and nothing of substance has been done to put the minds of the Nigerian public to rest is shameful. Sometimes, I find myself asking if we even have a government.  Living in a country where you provide your basic amenities yourself as against the norm, where govt ought to, you can't help but wonder. However, security of all things is what every society looks towards the government to provide. The bomb blast was just a clear evidence that the country is sleeping while the evil doers are working. To further highlight the level decadence in the security network of this country, a day after the dastardly act the terrorists carried out another by kidnapping young girls from their school and a week after, most of the girls are still not yet rescued nor any meaningful result heard. As a nation, we have failed these young girls. I look at the situation of things and I fear that Book Horam will grow in stature and move to other parts of the country if the President does not step up and take stronger actions. Now I hear some people say "God forbid,  they won't move down south in Jesus name". God isn't going to come down physically to change things for us. We have been praying even before independence and how come things aren't changed for the better? It shows prayer alone isn't the solution. The solution is in our hands. We tend to act like the proverbial man whose city was flooded and every time rescuers came to his aid telling him to come on board to leave the city, he always said God loves him, he prays and God will come rescue him.This, he said,till he drowned,died and questioned why he died. God has put in us, the solution to our problems. We only need to shift from our comfort zones and stand up demanding for a change. We can't keep doing the same old thing and expecting different result. It is time we spoke up for change. Do we have to stick to the plethora of mediocrity that has plagued us for many years hoping one day it will get better or do we stand up and demand for change? A change we believe in; A change where every life is valued; A change where public office holders are indeed held accountable and to higher standards; a change where Nigerians will stop feeling helpless; a change where you don't negotiate with terrorists but go in search of them and smoke them out letting them know you don't toil with any Nigerian's rights to live; a change where our girls are not afraid of being kidnapped by religious bigots;a change where self interest is set aside for the collective good of the people; a change where political terror is defeated.
We must remember that, though our tongues may differ, our culture may vary yet, we are bound by one union, a common entity, an entity we are known by...Nigeria. And in that Nigeria, we should be proud and stand up to defend not just for our sake but for the sake of our children and generations to come after us.
God bless us all.